
Contact details

Office address:
33 Philip Ojedokun Drive Magodo Phase 1 Lagos Nigeria.

Phone no:

for further information


frequently asked questions

How do I sign up?
  1. Select the package that is best suitable for your business needs.
  2. Make payment for the selected package.
  3. A consultant will contact you immediately
  4. If you need further clarifications please contact us
What is K.Esther Consulting all about?
We offer virtual accounting services to small and medium enterprises. We can also visit your office based on appointment if you need a bespoke solution for your business. Contact us now.
Do you work only for SMEs?
No, we can provide service for larger companies too. Tell us about your needs.
Can you work with companies in any location?
We deploy technology in our business. Distance is not a barrier. We can help wherever you are?
What package should I sign up for?
The package will depend on the size and nature of your business. If you cannot decide, call us let us do it together.
Open chat
How can we be of help to you?